Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Accelerated Reader


 Click on the picture above to log in to your Accelerated Reader account. 

From here, you can then complete a quiz to any books you have read recently.

If your child has forgotten their username and password, please contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo or on the school email address at


Accelerated Reader Parent Guide

   Click on the picture below to access the Parent's Guide.


Accelerated Reader Book Finder

Do you want to check if any books you are reading are on Accelerated Reader (such as your own books at home) are linked to quizzes? Click on the search button below.


Accelerated Reader Bookfinder ( is a web-based search tool that was created for parents, guardians, students, teachers and librarians to search for appropriate Accelerated Reader books and articles.


In Accelerated Reader Bookfinder, you can:



If you cannot find the book or Accelerated Reader quiz you are looking for, you may suggest a new Accelerated Reader quiz here.