Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Welcome to the Year 3 page!


                                 Boyce Class:                                       Stowell Class:                              


  Miss Lomas                                           Mrs Duncan

              Mrs Wilkins (First Aider)                      Mrs Butler (First Aider)            


What's going on in Year 3? 

Please check out our information booklet.


PE days: Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please send pupils to school in PE kits and ensure earings are removed.

Check out our current curriculum letter for this term.

This term, our topic is: Gods and Mortals


Knowledge organiser





Remember to check out our class dojo stories for information on children's learning during this time.






 Image result for homework 




Each week, Year 3 will be sent home homework in a range of subjects.

Currently, Year 3 have the following homework days:
* Maths- TTRS 30 mjinutes of garage. 
* Reading - five times a week.
* Spelling - Sent out Friday for the following Thursday. 

What happens if you can not do your homework?
If you can't do your homework at home then the door is always open for you to come in to school and do it. Likewise, if you are unsure of a question, come in and see your class teacher before/after school or at break/lunch time. We are here to help!

Times Tables

Make sure you are learning your times tables all the time. You are expected to have rapid recall of all the times table facts of the 2's, 5's, 10's, 3's, 4's and 8's by the time you have finished Year 3. 


You will be tested weekly on your times tables during our Mental Arithmetic lesson.

Why not make x table practice fun? Login to Times Table Rockstars to earn coins for getting questions correct. Remember, there are extra rewards for the children who earn the most coins.

Physical Education



PE for Year 3 will be every Tuesday and Thursday. It is expected that pupils wear the correct school kit. All earrings need to be removed (due to Derbyshire County Council policy, we can no longer provide tape to cover them) plus a bobble be provided to tie back long hair. In colder months, pupils may wish to bring a tracksuit. Please could you also ensure all items of P.E kit are clearly labelled with your child's name. Thank you. 


We will keep you up to date with reminders via Class Dojo and Parent Hub throughout the year. 

If you have any questions or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help wherever we can. 

You can contact us via phone (the school telephone number is 01246 822324) or Class Dojo.


Autumn 1

5 September 2024 to 25 October 2023 (38 days)

(INSETs –  3rd and 4th September 2023)


Autumn Term 2

4 November 2024 to 20 December 2024 (35 days)


Spring Term 1

6 January 2025 to 14 February 2025 (30 days)

(INSETs – Monday 6th January 2025)


Spring Term 2

24 February 2025 to 4 April 2025 (30 days)


Summer Term 1

22 April 2025 to 23 May 2025

(5 May 2025 is a bank holiday) (23 days)


Summer Term 2

 2 June 2025 to 24 July 2025 (39 days)


INSET Days 2024-2025

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Friday 23rd May 2025
Thursday 24th July 2025




If you have any queries/questions regarding any of our trips, please see your child's Class Teacher or ask the staff at Reception. Please also remember that you can contact your child's Class Teacher via the Class Dojo App. 



 Image result for reading

We ask that Year 3 are reading for a minimum of 5 times per week - this can be your school ZPD reading book or any other time of text - a newspaper, magazine, website article or your own reading book.
This can be independent reading - without reading to an adult - alth4ugh if possible then please read to an adult.
We ask that reading is completed at least five times over the week and recorded in reading records.

Once you have completed a school reading book with a ZPD sticker, then you can complete the Reading Quiz to gain points on the Accelerated Reader website here: 


Wanting some inspiration about what to read?

Check out this website with suggested books for Key Stage 2:


Year 3 are passionate about reading.

The children will get a chance to read and be read to every day.


If you are looking for some fab books, use the link below to find some of our Year 3 recommended reads...

Books for Year 3. Great Reads for 7-Year-Olds (


Click the link below to access the Year 3/4 word list. 

It is expected that the children can spell the majority of the words on this list by the time they reach the end of Lower Key Stage 2. 

Year 3 and 4 Word List

Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Welcome to the Year 3 page!


                                 Boyce Class:                                       Stowell Class:                              


  Miss Lomas                                           Mrs Duncan

              Mrs Wilkins (First Aider)                      Mrs Butler (First Aider)            


What's going on in Year 3? 

Please check out our information booklet.


PE days: Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please send pupils to school in PE kits and ensure earings are removed.

Check out our current curriculum letter for this term.

This term, our topic is: Gods and Mortals


Knowledge organiser





Remember to check out our class dojo stories for information on children's learning during this time.






 Image result for homework 




Each week, Year 3 will be sent home homework in a range of subjects.

Currently, Year 3 have the following homework days:
* Maths- TTRS 30 mjinutes of garage. 
* Reading - five times a week.
* Spelling - Sent out Friday for the following Thursday. 

What happens if you can not do your homework?
If you can't do your homework at home then the door is always open for you to come in to school and do it. Likewise, if you are unsure of a question, come in and see your class teacher before/after school or at break/lunch time. We are here to help!

Times Tables

Make sure you are learning your times tables all the time. You are expected to have rapid recall of all the times table facts of the 2's, 5's, 10's, 3's, 4's and 8's by the time you have finished Year 3. 


You will be tested weekly on your times tables during our Mental Arithmetic lesson.

Why not make x table practice fun? Login to Times Table Rockstars to earn coins for getting questions correct. Remember, there are extra rewards for the children who earn the most coins.

Physical Education



PE for Year 3 will be every Tuesday and Thursday. It is expected that pupils wear the correct school kit. All earrings need to be removed (due to Derbyshire County Council policy, we can no longer provide tape to cover them) plus a bobble be provided to tie back long hair. In colder months, pupils may wish to bring a tracksuit. Please could you also ensure all items of P.E kit are clearly labelled with your child's name. Thank you. 


We will keep you up to date with reminders via Class Dojo and Parent Hub throughout the year. 

If you have any questions or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help wherever we can. 

You can contact us via phone (the school telephone number is 01246 822324) or Class Dojo.


Autumn 1

5 September 2024 to 25 October 2023 (38 days)

(INSETs –  3rd and 4th September 2023)


Autumn Term 2

4 November 2024 to 20 December 2024 (35 days)


Spring Term 1

6 January 2025 to 14 February 2025 (30 days)

(INSETs – Monday 6th January 2025)


Spring Term 2

24 February 2025 to 4 April 2025 (30 days)


Summer Term 1

22 April 2025 to 23 May 2025

(5 May 2025 is a bank holiday) (23 days)


Summer Term 2

 2 June 2025 to 24 July 2025 (39 days)


INSET Days 2024-2025

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Friday 23rd May 2025
Thursday 24th July 2025




If you have any queries/questions regarding any of our trips, please see your child's Class Teacher or ask the staff at Reception. Please also remember that you can contact your child's Class Teacher via the Class Dojo App. 



 Image result for reading

We ask that Year 3 are reading for a minimum of 5 times per week - this can be your school ZPD reading book or any other time of text - a newspaper, magazine, website article or your own reading book.
This can be independent reading - without reading to an adult - alth4ugh if possible then please read to an adult.
We ask that reading is completed at least five times over the week and recorded in reading records.

Once you have completed a school reading book with a ZPD sticker, then you can complete the Reading Quiz to gain points on the Accelerated Reader website here: 


Wanting some inspiration about what to read?

Check out this website with suggested books for Key Stage 2:


Year 3 are passionate about reading.

The children will get a chance to read and be read to every day.


If you are looking for some fab books, use the link below to find some of our Year 3 recommended reads...

Books for Year 3. Great Reads for 7-Year-Olds (


Click the link below to access the Year 3/4 word list. 

It is expected that the children can spell the majority of the words on this list by the time they reach the end of Lower Key Stage 2. 

Year 3 and 4 Word List

Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Welcome to the Year 3 page!


                                 Boyce Class:                                       Stowell Class:                              


  Miss Lomas                                           Mrs Duncan

              Mrs Wilkins (First Aider)                      Mrs Butler (First Aider)            


What's going on in Year 3? 

Please check out our information booklet.


PE days: Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please send pupils to school in PE kits and ensure earings are removed.

Check out our current curriculum letter for this term.

This term, our topic is: Gods and Mortals


Knowledge organiser





Remember to check out our class dojo stories for information on children's learning during this time.






 Image result for homework 




Each week, Year 3 will be sent home homework in a range of subjects.

Currently, Year 3 have the following homework days:
* Maths- TTRS 30 mjinutes of garage. 
* Reading - five times a week.
* Spelling - Sent out Friday for the following Thursday. 

What happens if you can not do your homework?
If you can't do your homework at home then the door is always open for you to come in to school and do it. Likewise, if you are unsure of a question, come in and see your class teacher before/after school or at break/lunch time. We are here to help!

Times Tables

Make sure you are learning your times tables all the time. You are expected to have rapid recall of all the times table facts of the 2's, 5's, 10's, 3's, 4's and 8's by the time you have finished Year 3. 


You will be tested weekly on your times tables during our Mental Arithmetic lesson.

Why not make x table practice fun? Login to Times Table Rockstars to earn coins for getting questions correct. Remember, there are extra rewards for the children who earn the most coins.

Physical Education



PE for Year 3 will be every Tuesday and Thursday. It is expected that pupils wear the correct school kit. All earrings need to be removed (due to Derbyshire County Council policy, we can no longer provide tape to cover them) plus a bobble be provided to tie back long hair. In colder months, pupils may wish to bring a tracksuit. Please could you also ensure all items of P.E kit are clearly labelled with your child's name. Thank you. 


We will keep you up to date with reminders via Class Dojo and Parent Hub throughout the year. 

If you have any questions or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help wherever we can. 

You can contact us via phone (the school telephone number is 01246 822324) or Class Dojo.


Autumn 1

5 September 2024 to 25 October 2023 (38 days)

(INSETs –  3rd and 4th September 2023)


Autumn Term 2

4 November 2024 to 20 December 2024 (35 days)


Spring Term 1

6 January 2025 to 14 February 2025 (30 days)

(INSETs – Monday 6th January 2025)


Spring Term 2

24 February 2025 to 4 April 2025 (30 days)


Summer Term 1

22 April 2025 to 23 May 2025

(5 May 2025 is a bank holiday) (23 days)


Summer Term 2

 2 June 2025 to 24 July 2025 (39 days)


INSET Days 2024-2025

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Friday 23rd May 2025
Thursday 24th July 2025




If you have any queries/questions regarding any of our trips, please see your child's Class Teacher or ask the staff at Reception. Please also remember that you can contact your child's Class Teacher via the Class Dojo App. 



 Image result for reading

We ask that Year 3 are reading for a minimum of 5 times per week - this can be your school ZPD reading book or any other time of text - a newspaper, magazine, website article or your own reading book.
This can be independent reading - without reading to an adult - alth4ugh if possible then please read to an adult.
We ask that reading is completed at least five times over the week and recorded in reading records.

Once you have completed a school reading book with a ZPD sticker, then you can complete the Reading Quiz to gain points on the Accelerated Reader website here: 


Wanting some inspiration about what to read?

Check out this website with suggested books for Key Stage 2:


Year 3 are passionate about reading.

The children will get a chance to read and be read to every day.


If you are looking for some fab books, use the link below to find some of our Year 3 recommended reads...

Books for Year 3. Great Reads for 7-Year-Olds (


Click the link below to access the Year 3/4 word list. 

It is expected that the children can spell the majority of the words on this list by the time they reach the end of Lower Key Stage 2. 

Year 3 and 4 Word List

Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Welcome to the Year 3 page!


                                 Boyce Class:                                       Stowell Class:                              


  Miss Lomas                                           Mrs Duncan

              Mrs Wilkins (First Aider)                      Mrs Butler (First Aider)            


What's going on in Year 3? 

Please check out our information booklet.


PE days: Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor). Please send pupils to school in PE kits and ensure earings are removed.

Check out our current curriculum letter for this term.

This term, our topic is: Gods and Mortals


Knowledge organiser





Remember to check out our class dojo stories for information on children's learning during this time.






 Image result for homework 




Each week, Year 3 will be sent home homework in a range of subjects.

Currently, Year 3 have the following homework days:
* Maths- TTRS 30 mjinutes of garage. 
* Reading - five times a week.
* Spelling - Sent out Friday for the following Thursday. 

What happens if you can not do your homework?
If you can't do your homework at home then the door is always open for you to come in to school and do it. Likewise, if you are unsure of a question, come in and see your class teacher before/after school or at break/lunch time. We are here to help!

Times Tables

Make sure you are learning your times tables all the time. You are expected to have rapid recall of all the times table facts of the 2's, 5's, 10's, 3's, 4's and 8's by the time you have finished Year 3. 


You will be tested weekly on your times tables during our Mental Arithmetic lesson.

Why not make x table practice fun? Login to Times Table Rockstars to earn coins for getting questions correct. Remember, there are extra rewards for the children who earn the most coins.

Physical Education



PE for Year 3 will be every Tuesday and Thursday. It is expected that pupils wear the correct school kit. All earrings need to be removed (due to Derbyshire County Council policy, we can no longer provide tape to cover them) plus a bobble be provided to tie back long hair. In colder months, pupils may wish to bring a tracksuit. Please could you also ensure all items of P.E kit are clearly labelled with your child's name. Thank you. 


We will keep you up to date with reminders via Class Dojo and Parent Hub throughout the year. 

If you have any questions or concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to help wherever we can. 

You can contact us via phone (the school telephone number is 01246 822324) or Class Dojo.


Autumn 1

5 September 2024 to 25 October 2023 (38 days)

(INSETs –  3rd and 4th September 2023)


Autumn Term 2

4 November 2024 to 20 December 2024 (35 days)


Spring Term 1

6 January 2025 to 14 February 2025 (30 days)

(INSETs – Monday 6th January 2025)


Spring Term 2

24 February 2025 to 4 April 2025 (30 days)


Summer Term 1

22 April 2025 to 23 May 2025

(5 May 2025 is a bank holiday) (23 days)


Summer Term 2

 2 June 2025 to 24 July 2025 (39 days)


INSET Days 2024-2025

Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024
Monday 6th January 2025
Friday 23rd May 2025
Thursday 24th July 2025




If you have any queries/questions regarding any of our trips, please see your child's Class Teacher or ask the staff at Reception. Please also remember that you can contact your child's Class Teacher via the Class Dojo App. 



 Image result for reading

We ask that Year 3 are reading for a minimum of 5 times per week - this can be your school ZPD reading book or any other time of text - a newspaper, magazine, website article or your own reading book.
This can be independent reading - without reading to an adult - alth4ugh if possible then please read to an adult.
We ask that reading is completed at least five times over the week and recorded in reading records.

Once you have completed a school reading book with a ZPD sticker, then you can complete the Reading Quiz to gain points on the Accelerated Reader website here: 


Wanting some inspiration about what to read?

Check out this website with suggested books for Key Stage 2:


Year 3 are passionate about reading.

The children will get a chance to read and be read to every day.


If you are looking for some fab books, use the link below to find some of our Year 3 recommended reads...

Books for Year 3. Great Reads for 7-Year-Olds (


Click the link below to access the Year 3/4 word list. 

It is expected that the children can spell the majority of the words on this list by the time they reach the end of Lower Key Stage 2. 

Year 3 and 4 Word List