Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324

Class Dojo

See the source image

Throughout school, we use Class Dojo - a useful way to improve our communication with home and school. 


Class Dojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s being learned in both the classroom and home through updates, events, photos, videos, and messages. These can be shared on the school's story or on each individual classes' stories. It’s simple, secure, and gives you a window into your child's school day!


Further information regarding Class Dojo can be found here:


 At the beginning of the year, you will receive a link to your child's own individual class dojo page. This page will give you the opportunity to send in any homework activities from home, directly message your child's class teacher (along with other adults in school such as Mrs Bailey, Mr Backhouse and the office staff) or ask questions. Likewise, teachers will be able to post about the learning that has taken place in the classroom each week along with information regarding any homework activities. 


To safeguard our children and staff, there are a couple of rules to adhere to: 

  • Staff will access Class Dojo between the hours of 8:30am and 4pm. Therefore, please be mindful when sending messages out of these hours. 
  • There will be a 72 hour window for messages to be answered by staff. 
  • Please follow our school policies when communicating with staff. 
  • Any safeguarding concerns will be dealt with in line with the school safeguarding policy. 


 See the source image

Our school's Class Dojo site can be accessed directly by clicking the following link:


Alternatively, follow the directions below about how to access our school's Class Dojo site:

New to ClassDojo?

  1. Download the ClassDojo app

  2. Open app and tap 'Parent' to create a parent account

  3. Enter name, email & create a password

  4. Tap ‘Add child (+)’ and use the code which will be sent to you either via text message or as a paper invite at the beginning of the school year.

Already have a parent account on Class Dojo?

  • Open the ClassDojo app on your phone

  • Log in as a Parent (if you aren’t already). Ensure you’re logged in as a Parent, not a Student or Teacher!

  • Tap the Kids section/avatars at the bottom of the screen

  • Add child using the code which will be send to you.