Horsehead Lane, Derbyshire, S44 6XH.
01246 822324


Children reading by choice, and reading in the wider world, is an incredibly important part of their education in all areas.  To encourage your child, think about:

  • Reading environment – where can they read that is a comfy, quiet place? Some children like to curl up with a book, others like to stretch out.
  • Reading aloud – Even when your child is an independent reader, keep reading aloud to them. It doesn’t have to be a whole book, but reading to a child will help keep their interest, help their understanding and think about vocabulary they haven’t heard before.
  • Informal book talk, inside-text talk and recommendations -encourage your child to talk about the books and authors they like to read.  Friends and family will help with their book choices and it’s sometimes good to read something that is not their usual sort of book.
  • Independent reading time – some children have busy social lives and lots of clubs and activities. It’s always good to protect some of their day for a quiet read. Most people use the time before bed but children may like to read at other times too.


If you have any queries regarding Reading for Pleasure, speak to your child's class teacher.


Recommended Books for each Year Group.

Year 3 checklist

Year 4 checklist

Year 5 checklist

Year 6 checklist