The Governing Body is split into three sub-committees that meet termly throughout the school year:
1. Finance & Resources (including personnel) Committee
Chair of Finance & Resources Committee: Simon Travell
Members: Jean Saddington, Rachel Albanese, David Fish
Click here to view the Terms of Reference for the FRC.
2. The Quality of Education Committee (including curriculum, standards and teaching & learning)
Chair of The Quality of Education Committee: Alison Adair
Members: Christine Holmes-Elener, Sarah Tew, Pam Hall
Click here to view the Terms of Reference for the QoEC
3. SIAMs, Church and Community Links Committee
Chair of the SIAMS, Church and Community Links Committee: Christine Holmes-Elener
Vice Chair of the SIAMs, Church and Community Links Committee: Pamela Hall
Members: Rachel Gouldthorpe, Jean Saddington
Click here to view the Terms of Reference for this committee.
Acting Name |
Governor Type Appointed by |
Declaration | Responsibility |
Position on any other Governing Boards Attendance at meetings 2020/21 and 2021/ |
Alison Adair Appointed: 11.2018 End of office: |
Chair of Governors Trustee Appointed Governor |
St Albans school employee and governor, Rossington St Michael's CE Primary school (employee and Governor) Diocesan of Sheffield academies trust (employee) |
Pupil Premium Teaching & Learning Performance Management Safer Recruitment Complaints Curriculum |
7/7 100% |
Claire Bailey Appointed:01.11.17 End of office: |
Trustee Appointed Governor Headteacher | Non Declared |
Head Teacher Safer Recruitment |
7/7 100% |
Rachael Albanese Appointed:18.10.19 End of office: |
Parent Governor Parents |
Non Declared |
Science PSHE & Wellbeing Languages Curriculum |
4/7 |
Carolyn Currie Appointed:01.09.17 End of office:08.2022 |
Staff Governor Staff |
Non Declared | SENDCo |
6/7 86% |
Rev. Rachael Goulthorpe Appointed: 04.07.17 End of office: |
Ex Officio Governor | Non Declared | R.E & Collective Worship | 3/7 |
Pamela Hall Appointed:01.09.17 End of office: |
Foundation Governor | Non Declared |
Child Protection & Safeguarding Anti-Bullying Looked After Children (LAC) Maths R.E & Collective Worship Staff Wellbeing Safer Recruitment |
5/7 |
Christine Holmes-Elener Appointed:11.2018 End of office |
Vice Chair of Governors Trustee Appointed Governor |
Derby Diocesan Finance limited, Trustee, Derby Diocesan board of education, trustee and director |
English SEND R.E & Collective Worship Safer Recruitment Independent Complaints Panel 2 |
6/7 86% Chair of Governors ST. Giles Primary School |
Claire Millington Appointed:01.11.2017 End of office: |
Clerk | Non Declared | Clerk |
7/7 100% |
Jean Saddington Appointed:01.09.2017 End of office: |
Foundation Trustee Governor | Non Declared | R.E & Collective Worship |
7/7 100% |
Sarah Tew Appointed:28.11.2018 End of office: |
Trustee Appointed Governor | Loscoe C of E primary school. Saint Lawrence primary school. Woodthorpe primary school. executive head teacher. Trustee of amber valley school partnership. |
Computing & Online Safety The Arts (Music, Art & DT) Humanities (History & Geography) Safer Recruitment Performance Management Independent Complaints Panel 1 |
6/7 |
Simon Travell Appointed:13.03.2018 End of office: |
Vice Chair of Governors Parent Governor Parents |
Non Declared |
P.E & Sport Premium Heath & Safety Anti-Bullying Safer Recruitment Staff Wellbeing |
3/7 |